Does this power supply support this build?

It may run but there's also the chance that will fry the whole system as it's a very very poor quality PSU. IMHO I wouldn't run that PSU in any system that i wouldn't mind seeing turned into a smoldering worthless brick. So if you don't want to see the system get turned into a smoldering worthless brick buy a better PSU.

No. There are zero power supplies in existence that can be found at this price that should touch anything you'd like to continue owning. Looking at that site, you need to be spending about three times that just to get into the tier that isn't literal garbage.

Name of psu u think can handle my pc by the lowest price in ur country

On this particular site, this is the least expensive PSU I'd ever counsel anyone to use under any circumstances. It's not a good PSU, but at least I wouldn't have to keep a fire extinguisher under my desk and turn it off every time I left the house.

You start the see the good PSUs in the 10,000 to 12,000 dinar range on this site, though not all the PSUs priced there are good.

I can't speak for Serbian prices, but the prices on this site, at least, are atrocious. But sadly, horrible pricing doesn't make the need for an actual PSU any less compelling - replacing the parts a junk PSU can frequently destroy will be more expensive as well.

The best budget PSU(s) in my country may not be the best option in yours, it may not even be available to you.