Does unchecking the "Request solutions" box affect responses?



I don't like the "best solution" system, so I've unchecked the box with my posts so I don't have to pick one. Does doing that reduce overall responses? Or I guess in other words are people only motivated to answer for points?


Yes. No. Maybe.

Good questions, in the proper section of the forum, will usually generate a lot of responses. Some questions, just don't.

There is certainly a motivation factor, to be awarded a Best Answer, for some members, but not for all.

Unfortunately, there are no clear answers to your question. The real answer is, "It depends".

Nope. That affects what your submission is considered. See that " next to your question? Your unchecking that box made this a discussion instead of a literal question where you were expecting solutions. It still posts the question in the chosen category and it's up to the people responding what kind of response it gets.

Why don't you like the best solution system? What could it improve?

How can the best solution system be improved?

You can then uncheck that box and make a discussion rather than a question that necessitates a solution.

Otherwise you're not really using the feature the way it was intended but that certainly isn't a wrong way.