giantbucket :
WinXP or any previous Wins don't have it built-in, and I've no clue on Vista (but nobody cares about Vista anyways)
Actually XP does have a similar backup/restore. I think you are correct about wins prior to XP and although I guess as of April 8, it is kind of irrelevant to XP as well. In XP you use something called an ASR backup.
You invoke it via the opening panel of the regular backup. It is the bottom choice on that initial panel
It is a complete backup. I've used it to restore to a new HD. It is similar to win7 (haven't used win8 yet) Instead of a boot CD, you create a boot diskette. It may not be a complete image as in I'm not sure temp directories and such are there, but it is complete enough so you don't re-install programs or anything. Just restore to a new HD and away you go.
My personal strategy has been:
Create a dated directory on an external HD
Backup the 'C' drive. This also creates the floppy boot.
Copy the files from the floppy to a sub-directory of the above for restoring later when I lose the floppy
Backup each volume separately
This is a directory example of one of my remaining XP machines:
03/11/2014 10:00 AM <DIR> .
03/11/2014 10:00 AM <DIR> ..
03/06/2014 04:15 PM <DIR> diskette
03/06/2014 03:29 PM 22,275,817,472 Gaea Full C Drive 20140306_1341.bkf
03/06/2014 04:24 PM 6,237,500,416 Gaea Full I Drive 20140306_1341.bkf
03/06/2014 10:56 PM 13,110,494,208 Gaea Full K Drive 20140306_1341.bkf
Directory of D:\ASR\2014-03-06\diskette
03/06/2014 04:15 PM <DIR> .
03/06/2014 04:15 PM <DIR> ..
03/06/2014 04:12 PM 5,798 asr.sif
03/06/2014 04:12 PM 36,958 asrpnp.sif
03/06/2014 04:12 PM 223,198 setup.log
3 File(s) 265,954 bytes