Does Windows 10 need antivirus software?

While there are better (read nicer) ways to say that Basroil is correct if you have to ask then you need it. Other options are Norton (free if your isp is comcast), AVG, and McAffee
There's a good place to start.
malwarebytes is not an any windows os you should use "layered protection".there are plenty of free antiviruses out there.i use avast free but feel free to surf the others.malwarebytes antiexploit is a free program as well as malwarebytes free.ultimately its your choice.
To answer your question... it really depends. If you visit adult sites very often, click on links from unknown email addresses, or have a tendency to open or install questionable files (ex. click on photo or video that's an executable .exe) then yes you would probably need to install an AV program.

However, if you use simple common sense and don't go installing free programs or games from websites you've never visited or used before... then the answer is no. Most people who insist that you use them are either fanboys or paranoid people.. or simply folks who have bought into all the marketing and scare tactics they read.

Furthermore, if you use Windows 10... you will automatically have their Windows Defender on your system... and the thing is.. you can't turn it off. If you go into the settings to deactivate it, Windows will automatically turn it back on after about an hour, I think.

Often times the free stuff is worse than Windows Defender too 😉 Just last week AVG free scored lower than Windows Defender in overall effectiveness.
I use Microsoft Security Essentials for anti virus. It's free and does what it's supposed to do as long as you keep it up to date and don't go clicking away at every anonymous link you get in emails. Also, using a free version of Malwarebytes every now and again is a good idea for those pesky malware that can find their way onto your pc. I don't purchase it, I just use it then delete it, then install again since your trial is only good for about a week.