Doesn't know if it fits, but computer project?


Mar 16, 2009

I am doing a science fair project for highschool and I was wondering what topic I could do for computers. I was thinling Dual Core vs Single CPU's, but I dunno this is sorta stupid but thanks anyways lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :bounce: :bounce: :pt1cable: :pt1cable: :hello: :hello:
LOL, dual core vs single core is a totally obsolete topic. It would have been interesting 5 years ago, when you could still actually buy a single core CPU and it wasn't making your system useless. These days even the cheapest builds have dual cores.

I'd suggest the topic "quad-core vs dual-core", comparing for example Q6600 and E8500. You will find a ton of threads and benchmarks on this subject right in this forum.
Well I was thinking with a HTPC in mind, like Single Core vs Dual Core for processing HD files. Maybe test some with mkv., H.264, VC-1.? I dunno but thanks.
Since I cannot get a hold of a Quad Core CPU can this work? Thanks. I will be testing with a S478 2.53GHZ Celeron vs a 4850e AMD is it wrong to compare old and new tech? Should I get a single core CPU for the AMD? Thanks. HELP :) :) 😀

+ My mobo supports up to 5600+ ONLY
+ Other supports S478 CPUs, but cannot find any anywhere.
I didn't realize you were actually planning to buy hardware. I though it was a theoretical presentation. Man, I don't know... It just feels wrong to buy that sort of CPUs there days. I remember the Celeron was one of the CPUs that couldn't even play HD video.
Thanks for the replies mate, so I tested this .WMV HD file in WMP11 and it seems to play fine i guess. Or i could get my hands on a 2.5GHZ p4 or a LE-1640 AM2 2.6Ghz single CPU for this project. I have to purchase the 4850e anyways. Know a good website in canada to get it? Or any other reccomendations? Thanks aevm, AKM880
And I already have the Celeron, just if i need to then i have to purchase either a LE-1640 2.6GHZ AM2 and a 4850e AM2.
Thanks, so think this idea will work what would you suggest? Get the AM2 or use the Celeron for single core CPU? I dunno if its fair comparing a 90nm CPU to a 45nm CPU and Intel to AMD? Should they be almost the same? Thanks
This might be completely not what you are looking for but I think it is related to computers and electronics. You could do a study on computers and all electronic components and their relation to power savings in suspend, standby, or off modes.

For example, how much electricity does a PC in standby mode consume as opposed to on or totally powered off. Then test a TV, since they still draw power even though they are off. Test other items like cell phone chargers, radios, etc. And show how much wasted energy is used when devices are off.

You can get a $20 meter for this:

JUST an idea that would have meaning and be nerdy interesting at the same time.
I find Jay's suggested topic pretty interesting. Lots of info available on the Web for your research too.

Yeah, comparing an ancient 90 nm single core CPU with a recent 45 nm dual core is kind of boring, TBH. I mean, anybody would know in advance which CPU wins, so there's little excitement in watching that presentation. Still, if you're good, you might make it fun.

Between Intel and AMD - right now, if you buy a $50 Intel CPU and a $50 AMD CPU, both released in 2008 or 2009, I suspect the AMD will win. That's simply because AMD's current strategy is to sell cheap and gain market share. It doesn't mean AMD is technologically more advanced. In fact, these days Intel is ahead. Intel in fact has some CPUs that AMD just can't match at all. Too bad those CPUs cost $1000+ and almost nobody buys them :) You could probably talk about that, but it's more of an economics issue rather than technical.
So what if I get a 2.7GHZ AMD Single Core CPU 65nm, vs a Dual Core AMD CPU? With 2.5GHZ x 2? Will this work, since that AMD single core might be better for it. Also how can i make it better, thanks!
Sounds good.

Comparing a single-core CPU with higher clocks against a dual-core CPU with lower clocks can be interesting. Some programs will work better on one CPU, and some on the other. Maybe if you overclock the single-core a bit it will be even easier to analyze the differences.

I think it helps if you make the two CPUs both AMD (or both Intel) and from the same year or at least close. That reduces the number of variables and makes your conclusions more meaningful.

Do you have any idea about multithreaded programming, processes, threads, semaphores, locks, etc.? It's one of the hardest types of software development, and very few programmers can actually do it right. That's why a higher-clocked CPU with fewer cores can still beat a lower-clocked CPU with more cores in most types of applications. It's probably too advanced for high school, but look up some of those things anyway.

Noooo, I'm not that smart lol. I'll be going with the newer AMD tech with X2 and single CPUs. I will only be testing for HD content, since most people have switched to it. (HTPC) Any more ideas? Yours are awesome!
Thanks aevm, so this is the topic title I'll do: Single Core VS Dual Core Processors for processing HD content. Then I'll have a higher clocked single core and a lower clocked dual. Hows it sound? Thx!
HEHE, the dual core I was gonna get wasn't in till late in the next week, hope I'll get an extension lol. Anyways I tried to use my laptop for comparisons, the laptop had a 2.0Ghz Pentium Dual Core and it played the 1080p clip with 5-12FPS lol. I geuss I'll just wait for the 4850e to get in.