News Dog-like robot jams home networks and disables devices during police raids — DHS develops NEO robot for walking denial of service attacks


Feb 2, 2021
This is utterly ridiculous: "with a simple voice command... activating the HVAC system to introduce chemicals into the environment and cause a fire or explosion to take place"
A) No smart home device is reliable enough to trust this not going off randomly.
B) Dangerous chemicals in the HVAC disables the use of said HVAC for heat and AC during normal living.

The most commonly used WiFi smart home devices are cameras. The FBI doesn't want cloud-secured video of their actions on raids. Period. These Rube Goldberg examples are an excuse. (How they put it: if you aren't doing anything illegal, why would you mind surveillance?)


lets hope they have the sense to get jamming on the search warrant as this is probably unlawful somewhere, state sponsored jamming/DDOS as I doubt it will be effective unless its on a wide area and disrupting innocent neighbours will be on dodgy ground in U.S law?
Unlawful everywhere I would think. Super curious if they even bothered to check.

Can you imagine what would happen if your next door neighbor was getting raided and you had one of those realtime medical monitoring devices. Or if it interfered with pacemakers or something.


Jul 27, 2013
And while the cooperative, definitely evil bad guy, waits to be hauled away, at the last moment before he is led from the building, he says the magic words, "no witnesses," and , oh, is that darn robo-dog interfering with all the wifi security cameras...and our body cams? What an interesting code word you chose Mr. Bad Guy!


Jul 27, 2013
Unlawful everywhere I would think. Super curious if they even bothered to check.

Can you imagine what would happen if your next door neighbor was getting raided and you had one of those realtime medical monitoring devices. Or if it interfered with pacemakers or something.
Because something being illegal has always been such an obstacle for those in law enforcement.


Because something being illegal has always been such an obstacle for those in law enforcement.
I agree with the sentiment.

Just curious if they have vetted this with anyone from a legal perspective. I get why they want something like this, but its use seems rather limited.

Warrant would be nice, but that raises the question of how broad such a warrant would need to be. What rights the non-suspects have in the general area, etc. Police action is allowed to be an inconvenience at times, but if that jammer causes permanent property damage then the police would likely claim immunity. Such a thing would have to be litigated out.


Mar 19, 2009
Dumb homes with wired networking are the solution and have your own suite of jammers on hand to jam such a threat to liberty. And thank God smart guns aren't a thing, because the police/FBI/DHS can just jam those too.
This is utterly ridiculous: "with a simple voice command... activating the HVAC system to introduce chemicals into the environment and cause a fire or explosion to take place"
A) No smart home device is reliable enough to trust this not going off randomly.
B) Dangerous chemicals in the HVAC disables the use of said HVAC for heat and AC during normal living.

The most commonly used WiFi smart home devices are cameras. The FBI doesn't want cloud-secured video of their actions on raids. Period. These Rube Goldberg examples are an excuse. (How they put it: if you aren't doing anything illegal, why would you mind surveillance?)
Yeah this is about blocking home recording of raids. All that other crap is just FUD justifications. I know it kinda sucks but wired is the only real option now.
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This is utterly ridiculous: "with a simple voice command... activating the HVAC system to introduce chemicals into the environment and cause a fire or explosion to take place"
A) No smart home device is reliable enough to trust this not going off randomly.
B) Dangerous chemicals in the HVAC disables the use of said HVAC for heat and AC during normal living.

The most commonly used WiFi smart home devices are cameras. The FBI doesn't want cloud-secured video of their actions on raids. Period. These Rube Goldberg examples are an excuse. (How they put it: if you aren't doing anything illegal, why would you mind surveillance?)
Please enter the alert phrase for the butenethiol HVAC release mechanism.
"Joe Biden assisted MIT with particle physics research"
Alert Phrase accepted
System on standby


Oct 16, 2010
This is an exceptional level of police state if utilized. extreme overreach for a presumed innocent person. Hijacking a person's HVAC system to poison them would seem to be an extreme violation of the fourth amendment. Police being able to collect someone vs hijack their things are 2 radically different things.

I would hope that the ACLU and every other NGO working to keep the government in check would be all over cases these were used.

Also take note, install wired security cameras and have battery backups...


Jan 3, 2011
This is all kinds of bad idea. Leave it to an increasingly bug budget militarized civilian police force to create a market for new dystopian tech toys.


Dec 18, 2023
Unlawful everywhere I would think. Super curious if they even bothered to check.
Everything is legal for badge wearing thugs. That's why they wear a badge, so they can do stuff you can't with impunity.
Can you imagine what would happen if your next door neighbor was getting raided and you had one of those realtime medical monitoring devices. Or if it interfered with pacemakers or something.
"Some older guy with a pacemaker died, and a baby choked to death in her crib because baby alarm failed, but it was a sacrifice we were ready to make in order to catch this dangerous criminal mastermind who __________ (insert innocuous non-violent crime here). Think of the children!"

/s if not obvious.


Jul 3, 2007
Sounds exactly like those dystopian tech noir movies. Government kill bot in apartment building’s hallway jamming all tech and firing indiscriminately because why not, there won’t be any witnesses left to tell tale.