"Doing a quick check before you can shedule your upgrade..." annnnd nothing?


Aug 18, 2013
So yesterday it said my reservation was there or what ever so I click download. (Side note) This is one annoying as fuck program. Can't see if it's doing anything and just hope that it's doing stuff because it insta disperses giving 0.5 seconds to read. (Back on topic) It said it was done downloading and stuff so I turned my computer off went to sleep and decided to install it today. Got home clicked "Get your free upgrade" or what ever. It did popped up the doing a quick check thing and poof gone.
So I clicked it again. Same thing. Did it again. Same thing. I right clicked it and went to the windows update thing (where you download your updates) and it said that it failed. So I check for updated again and there are none. I try it again. Poof gone.
I tried to install it through the media tool thing 2 times before this and they both ended with a "Critical service failure" and restored back to Windows 7 (and also removing random programs from startup like my antivirus and steam)

Any clues?
Btw it is NOT my computer. I installed the preview on a separate hardrive and it works perfectly.

Screen shot of what it says http://prntscr.com/8n126r for about 0.1-0.5 seconds.
I have encountered this once too, and ended up reinstalling Win7 fresh (note, you have to reactivate it and fully update it before it will let you move on to the Win10 update, of course). I tried Startup Repair before going to that option:


But something deeper was corrupt (it wasn't my computer). With just a copy of Office and a couple of games to reinstall (and they had all of their library items on an external) I took the easy way out :)

If your data is fully backed up and you've got all the applications to reinstall after the process, it is the best way to go about it (without a bottle of Tylenol).

I ended up doing a fresh install of windows 10 and getting the genuine file by installing windows 7 on a different harddrive.