DOJ Steps Up Google Antitrust Probe

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I want a free online library, what's wrong with that?

My local library is 2km away, and has a poor selection of books that interest me.

I'm all for the Google online library, and I hope that something is finally fully worked out...
I agree. In general, I always love the idea of placing more and more knowledge online for free and instant search/access. I hope Google finds a way to appease the writers, who apparently care more about profits than the actual readership of their books. Maybe they can show advertisement to pay off the writers or something, who knows.
Both sides have a legitimate argument here, and it may involve a theoretical divide between authors and printed media vs. google and the internet. Hopefully they can work something out without the government feeling the need to step in and fux things up for everyone.

Can we get the EU's opinion?
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