Dolby Home Theater v4 question, help please


Feb 11, 2013
I have a new soundcard for my laptop, the asus xonar u7 which is pretty cool and it works fine but when I installed the drivers it also came with a "Dolby Home Theater v4" and after a quick google search I found out that it's supposed to improve my audio
Here's my problem, when I turn it on nothing happens, the equalizer doesn't show anything if I'm listening to a song

Is this Dolby Home Theater v4 thingy just for specific computers or am I doing something wrong?
All help is appreciated
Hi, i had the same problem. Just go to the ASUS website, download the latest drivers, extract them, open the folder and you will find a folder named dolby, open it and run the installer. That should fix the problem, atleast it worked for me.

Have you tried the repair install option?
if that also didnt help try a complete reinstall of the drivers. Uninstall the asus soundcard drivers then reinstall.
sorry, its been a few months since i had the problem so i dint remember exacly what i did.
hope that helps
Somehow it already works, thanks for the help

If anybody has the same problem here's what I did

I clicked on sound in the trey (bottom right corner), went to my headphones and clicked properties, there was a dolby tab and I turned Dolby Home Theater V4 on from there, it seemed to fix my problem, at least for now
I hope it fixes it for anybody with the problem as well