Don't know wether my motherboard supports this particular gpu


Jan 26, 2015
I own an Asus h81m-cs motherboard and I am planning to install a nvidia gt 1030 or gtx 1050 ( Haven't decided ). So -
Question 1 - Will the gpu fit in motherboard?

Question 2 - will my motherboard support the gpu?

Here are the specs
CPU - I3-4130
Ram - 8 Gb
Hdd - 1 Tb toshiba
Motherboard- Asus H81m-CS
Windows 10
PSU - 500 Watt

Gonna game on 1080p at mid setting
Q. Should I use vga or HDMI?

( Sorry for bad English)
I am 99% sure on both answers as yes. Depending on PSU/What you are doing with those graphics cards would be which one you pick. I assume you're not doing heavy work as you suggested a 1030 as one of your choices. I say it depends on your PSU as there is a few 1050Ti s that require some additional power, no clue on the 1050.
I am 99% sure on both answers as yes. Depending on PSU/What you are doing with those graphics cards would be which one you pick. I assume you're not doing heavy work as you suggested a 1030 as one of your choices. I say it depends on your PSU as there is a few 1050Ti s that require some additional power, no clue on the 1050.