^^this is the absolute best keyboard for typing. period and you can game on it keys wont stick and very well made!
^^^ thia one here is iliminated as requested and fuctions also very well will not last you as long and the keys will stich after about a year / year and a half. plus more you iluminate the more you need batteries...
How does this look? Corsair is very reputable and sells some high quality keyboards. It has a red back light, is not mechanical, and has some macro keys incase you like to game
^^this is the absolute best keyboard for typing. period and you can game on it keys wont stick and very well made!
^^^ thia one here is iliminated as requested and fuctions also very well will not last you as long and the keys will stich after about a year / year and a half. plus more you iluminate the more you need batteries.
its cabled and a gaming keyboard but near silent so if you are at a desk and dont plan on going anwhere to far this is alos a good choice, razer in my oppion, dose not have the same qulity as logitcg and corsaire almost exclusivly makes machanical the ones you done want and even the siletent blue and bruan make noice cause the keys "clack" agasit the bottome of the baord unless you really have a soft soft touch,
other fanciers onces are out of you buget and also cosistest macnical.
my favs are "das keyboard" very very nice if you ever want to feel like you own your self something or become a writer or what ever or pro gamer..
just go to Newegg, Amazon, any tech retail site and search for keyboards that fit your criteria.
having had chiclet keys, tactile keys, and a few others i can tell you cherry brown mechanical is the best option for regular typing and/or gaming.
which have you had that you didn't like?
those red cherry from the cosair are "suppost" to be silent but the whold mechanical linup of thiers, the keays them sevs hit the PVC baord and casue noise , so i did not give him that option....UnforgivenGamer.
those chromas are awesome , you can slowly get the full line with mouse pad n all.
hang tight.
check it
whatch the vidios,
im thinking of getting on for work cause im always listen to music and already have the nager mouse with its short cuts glowing lol