Don't now what to upgrade in my build


Aug 9, 2017
Hi guys.
Been building pcs for a while but on my personal build I've hit a dilemma.
My specs are :
Gtx 1060 6gb asus dog
I7 3700k not.overclocked. coolermaster cooler
Intel dub motherboard
14gb ddr3 ram
450w corsair psu
I want to upgrade this to get better performance gaming and rendering however don't want to change the gpu and not spend to much money
Cheapest upgrade would be going with SSD as an OS drive if you already don't have SSD as an OS drive. Though, SSD won't give your more FPS in games nor does it reduce render time. But what SSD does over HDD is a lot shorter loading times; e.g PC boot up, game loading, applications loading, PC shut down. Video comparison between SSD and HDD,

Best price to performance ratio SSD is Crucial MX500,
(I too have MX500 in use with my Skylake build but mine is 1TB in size, full specs with pics in my sig.)

To get more FPS out of your games and also shortening your render times (provided you use your CPU to do the...
Cheapest upgrade would be going with SSD as an OS drive if you already don't have SSD as an OS drive. Though, SSD won't give your more FPS in games nor does it reduce render time. But what SSD does over HDD is a lot shorter loading times; e.g PC boot up, game loading, applications loading, PC shut down. Video comparison between SSD and HDD,

Best price to performance ratio SSD is Crucial MX500,
(I too have MX500 in use with my Skylake build but mine is 1TB in size, full specs with pics in my sig.)

To get more FPS out of your games and also shortening your render times (provided you use your CPU to do the final render), new CPU-MoBo-RAM combo will give you that. E.g this combo:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: AMD - Ryzen 5 2600 3.4GHz 6-Core Processor ($159.89 @ OutletPC)
Motherboard: MSI - B450M PRO-VDH Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard ($68.99 @ B&H)
Memory: G.Skill - Ripjaws V Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-3200 Memory ($124.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $353.87
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2018-11-03 08:02 EDT-0400

i7-3770K vs R5 2600 comparison:

Since R5 2600 is 8 core 16 threaded CPU, it will give you far better CPU multi-core performance, reducing CPU render time quite a bit. Also, since R5 2600 has about 20% better quad-core performance than your 3rd gen Core i7, it can also give you a bit better performance in games (because most games use CPU's quad-core performance).

But if you want to have a bit better performance without spending a dime then OC your i7-3770K from stock 3.5 Ghz to e.g 4.0 Ghz or 4.2 Ghz.

Just a correction on your R5 2600 comments, it is a 6 core 12 thread CPU not a 8 core 16 thread CPU....But your recommendation still stands as the 2600 is quiet a leap up from the the i7 both in terms of core count and performance, especially the boost to rendering tasks...

The cheapest 8 core 16 thread option would be the Ryzen 2700 which is another exceptional CPU for mixed workloads like gaming and productivity and is more than worth a look but the price is higher....
Thanks guys really helped. I've got a 1tb ssd and a 2tb hdd for games and software's.
Just wondering that with the and build will I be able to upgrade in the future .eg:4-5 years

Yeah, my bad.
Did consider giving OP R7 2700 as well, which is 8/16 core/threaded but opted for R5 2600 due to cheaper price. Due to that, managed to confuse R5 2600 cores/threads amount. 😀

No issues at all, done it myself many times....