Just tryed to rma my CPU I received after the PC would not post after inspection of all hardware CPU had a broken pin but Newegg rejected the RMA because they claim that there return policy will not cover it because I opened it and installed it instead of retuning it before I opened it and installed it. They want us to think they have a replacement policy but they will not honor it basically what the rep said was I should have known it was damaged before I opened it and installed it would not answer my questions as to how were supposed to know something is broken untill we try it. Then would not give me a number to call to try to resolve this. Threw whole conversation was blaming me saying I broke the pin then when I asked what proves that I broke it since she wants to keep saying I did she claims that she never accused me. I have a email copy of the whole conversation. DONT BUY FROM THEM THERE CROOKS