Don't understand the difference between these Nvidia cards for $100 diff

Big Jeff

Oct 26, 2009
I hope you can help me.

I currently have 2x 560Ti cards in SLI. System has always been fine but recently having some issues playing ArcheAge on high setting - computer is just rebooting itself - doesn't happen if I lower the graphics settings. I think it's time to finally upgrade (plus I have two kid machines each running a 560 Ti - I can give one card each to them for SLI....the cards won't be wasted).

My dilemma - get two lower end cards and SLI them, which I have always done, or one higher end card?

I am open to suggestions - but I do want to stick with Nvidia - and I do like Asus.

I am looking at the Nvidia 780 @ $419. But I see the 780 Ti @ only $30 more for $449. Worth another $30? I also see a version called Poseidon, which i guess allows for water or air cooling, but it seems to have a higher core clock and higher boost clock - for $100 cheaper @ $319. This is very confusing as the specs look better on the Poseidon card but it's cheaper? Here are the 3 side by side:

Or still sticking to the Nvidia and Asus lines - is there a better option to suggest?

I have an Asus MB (it's either the P8 Z77-VLK or the P8Z68 Deluxe....can't figure out which went into this machine), 16 GB of RAM, Cool Master large case (I think with plenty of room), all air cooled (but I have a lot of fans), etc...

Thanks for any help - particularly with those card differences.

One 970 is more powerful than SLI 560 Ti's and it should only get better with new drivers. You're looking at a nice upgrade, especially in games that have no or poor SLI support. You'll also lower your power consumption and heat output.

One 970 is great for 1080p, and even 1440p in most games. You don't need two right now.

No reason to buy a 980, at least not for those prices. The difference is between the 780 and 780 Ti is just that, they are different cards. The Ti is better and faster, but isn't worth the price unless you plan to OC it or can get it for ~$400.

You should look at a 970. It is faster than a 980 and is close to 780 Ti performance, sometimes beating it. It will also consume much less power (145W TDP vs. 250W TDP on 780 Ti), and as a result run cooler and quieter, which should allow for more OC room while running on air. The 970 also has 4GB of VRAM.

I recommend the MSI 970 Gaming or Gigabyte G1. They are about $350.
There is really no reason to buy either a 780 or 780Ti at this point unless you already have one and have decided to SLI them. The 970 and 980 cards are now out and they are the new generation Nvidia cards based on the Maxwell GPU core. The 970 prices at $330-$350 depending on model. The MSI Gaming 4G and Gigabyte G1 are at this point considered the "best" models. I prefer the MSI Gaming 4G as I bought two for SLI. The 970 outperforms the 780 in virtual everything with the exception of may one or two synthetic or apps the benefit from the larger memory bus. For gaming the 970 outperforms the 780 every time. The 980 outperform the 780Ti as well. However with the 980 priced at $550-$580 the $220 price difference makes the 970 the much better deal.

I suggest the MSI 970 Gaming 4G card. Though you may have to put a notification on it as they sell out pretty quick since it's a very desirable card. Just be patient and put a Newegg email alert. It took me about 2-3 days before they were available and I snagged 2.
So will one of the MSI 970 gaming 4G cards be significantly better than my 2x 560 Ti's in SLI?

Also for today's games - do I need two of the 970's in SLI? Or is 1 plenty? I want to be able to crank up the graphics settings - but $350 x 2 seems like a lot to spend!

One 970 is more powerful than SLI 560 Ti's and it should only get better with new drivers. You're looking at a nice upgrade, especially in games that have no or poor SLI support. You'll also lower your power consumption and heat output.

One 970 is great for 1080p, and even 1440p in most games. You don't need two right now.