DOS start up DVD

Jan 16, 2019
Can anybody help me with creating a DOS start up dvd with bios exe included. don't have floppy or usb's that are working.
Its a N5010 15 inspiron. been acting flaky with not recognizing battery and now having issues with the USB controller drivers. Would just get another board, but they are $80 and up. Want to update bios to A15 from A7 first.
On the dell page they say that the bios update can run from windows, why don't you do that?
BIOS Update Executable for Windows/DOS Download 1. Click Download File, to download the file. 2. When the File Download window appears, click Save to save the file to your hard drive. Run the BIOS update utility from Windows environment 1. Browse to the location where you downloaded the file and double-click the new file. 2. After BIOS update finished, system will auto reboot to take effect.
Battery is not charging or being recognized. Have a relatively new battery and another good one. Bios update requires at least 10% charge. When I run in a command window, I get " unknown command " .
It is, but it runs under start up conditions. The exe wants to have some battery incase of ac power loss. I can run it with the command prompt and I get the unknown command error. Run the exe under a dos start up is really my only choice at this point. I'm just having a hard time creating a dos start up dvd with the exe included. I really am ready to put this laptop on a shelf and forget about it.