Question Dota 2 and csgo freeze my entire computer


Feb 27, 2017
This happens specifically with these 2 games. Ill be playing and it spontaneousIy freezes. max everything else out at 1920x1200 at 60fps+. Never had any problems with batman arkham knight when they gave it out for free on the epic games store except at the end where i get no dialogue audio in the cutscenes. Skyrim se runs at max setting and thats with a bunch of mods. Valorant, fortnite, and lol also run flawlesy. I even went as far to reinstall windows from a flash drive. This happened ever since i swiched from the i7 4770k to the ryzen.
16gb of ram
ryzen 5 2600
I test dota and play around with the heros in the demo and the game still seizes up after 30 min. Csgo isnt as bad but it still happens. Ctrl alt delete does nothing whenever this happens. I wouldnt be making tis thread if it actually worked. Im also lucky if im even able to reconnect because whenever i reset, the wifi doesn't cooperate at all. When it does its too late. How do i fix this
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Post Temps.... during load
What drivers do you use?
What is your PSU.
Have Cx550m i have the latest drivers and my computer never soulds like a hairdrier on aircooing. Furthermore its specifically dota and csgo. Gta runs fine and ive never had an issue. Starting to think it has somthing to do with source 2 not liking my setup
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