Dota 2 freezing and disconnect after


May 23, 2017
Hello people! newbie here.

Let's cut to the chase,

When I play Dota, my mouse stops working for like a few seconds then freeze then disconnect. This is frustrating because it takes me awhile to reconnect back into the game. It sent me to the Low-Priority once. I don't know what's happening. It's a laptop and I get high temps, FPS drops are fine, but freezing and disconnecting is NOT fine. It happens to other games aswell, Like CSGO, My game freezes but it does not disconnect.

It seems like it's related to internet because I play my games with Spotify and when it hangs, the music stops too, sometimes it even stutters.

Please help, Thanks.

I couldn't find anything that is using my CPU up to 100%. The game goes up for like 80% or something.
Is your CPU at 100% usage overall? If so, find what's eating the rest of your CPU when the game's at 80% and report back. If it's your AV, just tell it to sod off while you're gaming by scheduling things for when you're never on.