The last few months I've noticed that sometimes my mouse double clicks when I did not. I have a razor laptop and my mom bought the death adder to go with it, however I do travel a lot so I think it may have gotten slightly damaged in one of the many times I've taken my laptop with me.
I believe either something in the mouse or the cord doesn't have a solid connection anymore so it breaks slightly and sends a double signal when I click once. that may make no sense at all, I'm not familiar with the inner workings with mice and even then I'm new to hardware.
I know its possible to set a longer maximum speed for double clicks but can you set a longer minimum speed so that it will ignore the second signal? I know its possible to disable double clicks but I don't want to do that.
I believe either something in the mouse or the cord doesn't have a solid connection anymore so it breaks slightly and sends a double signal when I click once. that may make no sense at all, I'm not familiar with the inner workings with mice and even then I'm new to hardware.
I know its possible to set a longer maximum speed for double clicks but can you set a longer minimum speed so that it will ignore the second signal? I know its possible to disable double clicks but I don't want to do that.