Doubt For Installing Gfx Card

"will my mobo support this ddr3 graphic card"

Impossible to say since you haven't posted your motherboard make & model.

"as i am new in gfx i dont have psu i have direct supply"

Direct supply? All desktop PCs have a PSU inside the system case regardless of what type of graphics adapter is inside it. A computer won't work with a direct supply from the mains wall socket. It would probably fry the motherboard!

"will my mobo support this ddr3 graphic card"

Impossible to say since you haven't posted your motherboard make & model.

"as i am new in gfx i dont have psu i have direct supply"

Direct supply? All desktop PCs have a PSU inside the system case regardless of what type of graphics adapter is inside it. A computer won't work with a direct supply from the mains wall socket. It would probably fry the motherboard!

bro i assume you don't know much about computers... so for starters you already have a PSU without a PSU a pc cannot run you have to open your cpu cabinet and check the details and then post it here... and also almost any motherboard can support gt610 its really cheap and basic card i suggest get some more money on that system gt610 is like nothing

i am not new to it i just dont get psu, I have a pci slot i saw on pc wizard, i have attached an image see and tell the answer will i be able to run that gfx??
Thanx in Advance :)