what chip in PCB HDD 2.5" or 3.5" store BIOS and firmware and SMART? are 3 chips for 3 files? what type of chip?
Drive info is actually stored on the drive.Not sure about the question being asked.
That information is likely stored on the motherboard via CMOS.
Not on the drives....
What are you trying to accomplish?
BIOS is just one type of firmware. It's called "Firmware" because it stored in hardware but programmable like software, just a play of words. Most if not all "Plug and Play" HW have some kind of BIOS at it's HW. That way MB BIOS, OS and SW can find exactly what is need for it's operation and find proper divers. Before P n'P we had to find and change settings in OS manually, Settings like IRQ, memory range and addresses. iO etc.BIOS and firmware are same file or no??
smart is is it generated by the controller IC and saved on the platters?
what type de flash memory store bios and firmware?