downgrading to win7 from 8.1 because of gaming issues


Dec 29, 2013
I'm having issues playing games like battlefield4 and crysis 3. my laptop is a Dell xps 15 touchscreen and Windows 8.1, with i7 4702hq, 16gb ram, gt750m, 1tb hdd and 32gb ssd. my issues are that it will play the games perfectly for a minute or so ( sometimes seconds, it varies wildly) and then suddenly it will act as though it's skipping frames, or maybe like I've got the graphics set to high, it's so bad I can't play it for a minute or 2, then it will clear up and play fine again, back and forth. but I've got the graphics set to as low as it can go, with the resolution set at 1280 x 720. Still it does not matter. the laptop does get hot, but as I said it can do this just seconds after my character appears. I'm leaning toward the problem being with the o.s. 8.1.

I've had Windows 7 with these games on a inspiron 17r and never had a problem, and it only had 8gb of ram with 1tb hdd, a gt650m, and a i7. should I downgrade to Windows 7? if so how would I go about it with this laptop being a touchscreen?
if not, could anyone help with my problem here?
This definitely sounds like an overheating issue, not an OS issue.

When your GPU heats up towards its limit it will get throttled and you will experience FPS issues. Then you stop for a couple minutes, it cools down, and the cycle repeats.

However since it gets throttled so fast I could be wrong, so to confirm this download HWMonitor and record your temperatures (while in-game) for your CPU and GPU. If you can't see your GPU try

These problems are definitely not related to the OS. Battlefield 4 is known to run better on Windows 8.1 than on Windows 7; I can personally testify to this.


Nov 12, 2013
Never had issues with BF4 on 8.1 Pro, however, my sister running 8.1, after updating, no longer could play SWTOR until she switched it to run as Win7 compatibility. Try that.


Jan 15, 2014
This definitely sounds like an overheating issue, not an OS issue.

When your GPU heats up towards its limit it will get throttled and you will experience FPS issues. Then you stop for a couple minutes, it cools down, and the cycle repeats.

However since it gets throttled so fast I could be wrong, so to confirm this download HWMonitor and record your temperatures (while in-game) for your CPU and GPU. If you can't see your GPU try
Generally Windows 7 is better for gaming since some games have compatibility issues on Windows 8.1. Additionally, overclocked GPUs are prone to crashing on Windows 8.1 while running stable with minimal crashes on Windows 7. Though some of the more recent games run a little better on Windows 8.1, it's not worth staying on that OS. Windows 8.1 has more stability issues and bugs than Windows 7. I would recommending rolling back to Windows 7.


Dec 29, 2013

thank you for the links to the temperature monitors..! the cpu was running at 78c and the gpu was running at about 78c. and it happens fast. this seems ridiculously hot considering ive got the settings set to the lowest. btw ive also been getting low memory alerts that tell me to close down the game or other programs, which the only other programs open were the monitors and origin, I failed to mention this at the beginning. this thing has 16gb of ram, how can it be low?! also the other day I was showing a friend of mine the Nvidia control panel, and it was coming up with an alert saying it didn't have the Nvidia software, so I shut it down and it came back normally! what the hell is going on with this thing?

also I chose your answer as the best because it seems to be the problem I think. although I do agree with the other people as well



Jan 15, 2014
That is quite strange. The software issues sound like a virus.

Open up task manager. What programs are taking up all the memory? It sounds like all your components are constantly being run at their max (16GB RAM, full load cpu, throttled GPU), so a virus could be taking up all the bandwidth, however that's where my knowledge starts to end.

If you have the time download this:

The free version of course, and see what comes up. This only checks for malware, but it's more thorough than Windows Defender.


Dec 29, 2013

ive thought this as well. it is weird. and it was doing this right out of the box, it was brand new from dell as a replacement, and the warranty is out. it plays movies fine, btw. it seems to get around on the net fine.
as for knowing which programs should be on or off in the task im not sure, I will check, and I will download that virus software too. I will let you know in the next couple days what I find. keep a reminder for this if you don't mind, and maybe we can get it resolved, and I started a new thread too