Download speed is 856x slower than my upload speed

May 21, 2018
Hi, as the title describes I'm having a problem with my internet speed on my pc. I am currently running a 1gbps plan by my isp, and am using a wired ethernet connection.
I did not have any background connections running when making said test, the results are as shown below. I will try to provide as much information needed to aid.I don't have much experience in this so any help would be appreciated, thank you.
Do some additional speed tests. Target other servers and locations. I.e., ensure that the "tested" site was not having some problem at the time of your testing.

Do any other network computers have the same problem? If not, connect one of them in place of your pc and test. Determine if the problem is your pc or the connection path being used.

Try using another known working (at speed) Ethernet cable.

Download and reinstall the applicable network adapter drivers via the manufacturer's website.

Do some additional speed tests. Target other servers and locations. I.e., ensure that the "tested" site was not having some problem at the time of your testing.

Do any other network computers have the same problem? If not, connect one of them in place of your pc and test. Determine if the problem is your pc or the connection path being used.

Try using another known working (at speed) Ethernet cable.

Download and reinstall the applicable network adapter drivers via the manufacturer's website.
