Download speed limited to 100 megabits per second

Nov 9, 2018
I have 200 mbps internet service, and my router's speedtest page shows the router is seeing 200 mbps. My Windows 10 PC is connected by gigabit Ethernet to the router, and Windows shows it is really connecting at 1.0 gigabit. However, no application or can get a download speed faster than about 90 mbps. QoS is off on the router.

When I connect to the router by wifi instead, Windows shows a 300 mbps wifi connection, but the actual download speed is still no greater than about 90 mbps.

If I connect the PC directly to the modem instead of the router, still only get less than 100 mbps.

Seems like there is something misconfigured in Windows, but I don't know what it is. Any ideas?
The 90mbps is the connection to the router and not your ISP.

You don't mention what model the router is, but if the computers NIC is set to autonegiotiate, I think it is a limitiation of the router, doe sit have something like hadware acceleration option enabled?

Good question that I should have answered in the original post. I have a laptop that connects via wifi and gets the full 200mbs connection on

No, the 90 mbps is the result, so it is the connection to the ISP. The Ethernet adapter shows a 1 Gbps connection and the wifi shows a 300 mbps connection to the router. The router is a Netgear Nighthawk R7000.

Very important piece of missing information, because that suggests problem with that 1 PC. Is often incorrect LAN driver and/or bad ethernet cable. Lastly your particular ethernet NIC just not well supported by W10.

I have already updated the Ethernet drivers, but note that it has the same problem on WiFi. The Ethernet is Intel and the WiFi is Qualcomm and both are onboard an ASUS motherboard.