Having a hard time finding an adapter for this with clear specs.
I've built an ITX PC for the sole purpose of emulating pre HDMI consoles. I used parts I had laying around. The only spare GPU I had was an MSI R7 265 OC. With prices the way they are now I won't be replacing it. Even the GT 1030 is like $160 CAD here. The MSI's DisplayPort seems capable, but I need an adapter. Nothing I can find clearly states 4:4:4. Does one exist? Also, do the active DP adaptors add any lag?
I've built an ITX PC for the sole purpose of emulating pre HDMI consoles. I used parts I had laying around. The only spare GPU I had was an MSI R7 265 OC. With prices the way they are now I won't be replacing it. Even the GT 1030 is like $160 CAD here. The MSI's DisplayPort seems capable, but I need an adapter. Nothing I can find clearly states 4:4:4. Does one exist? Also, do the active DP adaptors add any lag?
