Question DPC Watchdog Violation

Feb 20, 2024
I have a laptop Windows 11 OS. Not sure if it is a hardware or software issue. Attached here is screenshot from speccy hosted on image site. 3 major problem. Whenever startup from cold, it would randomly crash to bluescreen. No issue when restart. Its always during the startup. DPC Watchdog Violation

Second question, whenever working on the device, it would suddenly black screen. Power is on. But peripherals are dead such as the pointing device.

Third question, i have to constantly plugged in. The moment i pulled the power , it would shut down. Black screen. Not a battery issue. Since i have power cycle it. I will leave it on power and batter set to sleep never. The moment i disconnect power, device would power down. I do not have a laptop. I have a portable desktop which defeats the purpose of mobility.

Please advice.
I appreciate that you read this. Thank you in advance.
Dump stack initialized at UTC: 2024/06/06 06:49:02, local time: 2024/06/06 14:49:02.
#BugCheckCode 0x0000000000000133
#BugCheckP1 0x0000000000000001
#BugCheckP2 0x0000000000001E00
#BugCheckP3 0xFFFFF8036191C340
#BugCheckP4 0x0000000000000000
Progress 0x00000042
Elapsed BugCheck duration 00002732ms
Starting get secondary dump callbacks size.
Progress 0x00000052
Finish get secondary dump callbacks size.
Dump Type: 6, Total Dump Size: 378920463, Secondary Dump Size: 105999.
Starting write of dump header.
Finish write of dump header.
Starting write of kernel bitmap dump header.
Finish write of bitmap dump header.
Starting write of memory dump data.
Elapsed BugCheck duration 00002796ms
Dumping physical memory to disk: 0%
Dumping physical memory to disk: 5%
Dumping physical memory to disk: 10%
Dumping physical memory to disk: 15%
Dumping physical memory to disk: 20%
Dumping physical memory to disk: 25%
Dumping physical memory to disk: 30%
Dumping physical memory to disk: 35%
Dumping physical memory to disk: 40%
Dumping physical memory to disk: 45%
Dumping physical memory to disk: 50%
Dumping physical memory to disk: 55%
Dumping physical memory to disk: 60%
Dumping physical memory to disk: 65%
Dumping physical memory to disk: 70%
Dumping physical memory to disk: 75%
Dumping physical memory to disk: 80%
Dumping physical memory to disk: 85%
Dumping physical memory to disk: 90%
Dumping physical memory to disk: 95%
Dumping physical memory to disk: 100%
Finish write of bitmap dump data. Total pages:92278 Pages written:92278
Progress 0x00000043
Elapsed BugCheck duration 00006413ms
Starting invoking secondary dump callbacks.
Calling NexstGoWirelessButtonDriver secondary callback.
Return from NexstGoWirelessButtonDriver secondary callback.
Writing NexstGoWirelessButtonDriver secondary callback data.
Writing NexstGoWirelessButtonDriver secondary callback data done.
Calling secondary callback.
Return from secondary callback.
Writing secondary callback data.
Writing secondary callback data done.
Calling secondary callback.
Return from secondary callback.
Writing secondary callback data.
Writing secondary callback data done.
Calling secondary callback.
Return from secondary callback.
Writing secondary callback data.
Writing secondary callback data done.
Calling wdiwifi secondary callback.
Return from wdiwifi secondary callback.
Writing wdiwifi secondary callback data.
Writing wdiwifi secondary callback data done.
Calling wdiwifi secondary callback.
Return from wdiwifi secondary callback.
Writing wdiwifi secondary callback data.
Writing wdiwifi secondary callback data done.
Calling \Device\DxgKrnl secondary callback.
Return from \Device\DxgKrnl secondary callback.
Writing \Device\DxgKrnl secondary callback data.
Writing \Device\DxgKrnl secondary callback data done.
Calling CRASHDUMP secondary callback.
Return from CRASHDUMP secondary callback.
Writing CRASHDUMP secondary callback data.
Writing CRASHDUMP secondary callback data done.
Calling PortDriverStandard secondary callback.
Return from PortDriverStandard secondary callback.
Writing PortDriverStandard secondary callback data.
Writing PortDriverStandard secondary callback data done.
Calling Wdf01000 secondary callback.
Return from Wdf01000 secondary callback.
Writing Wdf01000 secondary callback data.
Writing Wdf01000 secondary callback data done.
Calling blackbox - CI secondary callback.
Return from blackbox - CI secondary callback.
Writing blackbox - CI secondary callback data.
Writing blackbox - CI secondary callback data done.
Calling blackbox - NTFS secondary callback.
Return from blackbox - NTFS secondary callback.
Writing blackbox - NTFS secondary callback data.
Writing blackbox - NTFS secondary callback data done.
Calling blackbox - BSD secondary callback.
Return from blackbox - BSD secondary callback.
Writing blackbox - BSD secondary callback data.
Writing blackbox - BSD secondary callback data done.
Calling SecureKernelFailureLog secondary callback.
Return from SecureKernelFailureLog secondary callback.
Writing SecureKernelFailureLog secondary callback data.
Writing SecureKernelFailureLog secondary callback data done.
Calling SecureKernelCrashdumpArea secondary callback.
Return from SecureKernelCrashdumpArea secondary callback.
Writing SecureKernelCrashdumpArea secondary callback data.
Writing SecureKernelCrashdumpArea secondary callback data done.
Calling secondary multi-part dump callbacks.
Starting SMBiosData multi-part secondary callback.
Finish SMBiosData multi-part secondary callback.
Starting SMBiosRegistry multi-part secondary callback.
Finish SMBiosRegistry multi-part secondary callback.
Starting SMBiosRegisters multi-part secondary callback.
Finish SMBiosRegisters multi-part secondary callback.
Starting SMBiosDataACPI multi-part secondary callback.
Finish SMBiosDataACPI multi-part secondary callback.
Starting TRIAGEDUMPDATA multi-part secondary callback.
Finish TRIAGEDUMPDATA multi-part secondary callback.
Starting PCI multi-part secondary callback.
Finish PCI multi-part secondary callback.
Starting Etw multi-part secondary callback.
Finish Etw multi-part secondary callback.
Finish calling secondary multi-part dump callbacks.
Progress 0x00000045
Finish invoking secondary dump callbacks.
Starting invoking dump complete callbacks.
Progress 0x00000046
Finish invoking dump complete callbacks.
Dump ended at UTC: 2024/06/06 06:49:02, local time: 2024/06/06 14:49:02.
Elapsed BugCheck duration 00006434ms
Dump completed successfully.
Progress 0x00000053
Can you please download the SysnativeBSODCollectionApp and save it to the Desktop. Then run it and upload the resulting zip file to a cloud service with a link to it here. The SysnativeBSODCollectionApp collects all the troubleshooting data we're likely to need. It DOES NOT collect any personally identifying data. It's used by several highly respected Windows help forums (including this one). I'm a senior BSOD analyst on the Sysnative forum where this tool came from, so I know it to be safe.

You can of course look at what's in the zip file before you upload it, most of the files are txt files. Please don't change or delete anything though. If you want a description of what each file contains you'll find that here.
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Reactions: JohnOgawa
Can you please download the SysnativeBSODCollectionApp and save it to the Desktop. Then run it and upload the resulting zip file to a cloud service with a link to it here. The SysnativeBSODCollectionApp collects all the troubleshooting data we're likely to need. It DOES NOT collect any personally identifying data. It's used by several highly respected Windows help forums (including this one). I'm a senior BSOD analyst on the Sysnative forum where this tool came from, so I know it to be safe.

You can of course look at what's in the zip file before you upload it, most of the files are txt files. Please don't change or delete anything though. If you want a description of what each file contains you'll find that here.
thank you for the assist. will try your recomendation