J Jonny Beech Reputable Feb 15, 2014 11 0 4,510 Mar 15, 2014 #1 after buying a new motherboard i put my computer back together with everything correctly plugged in my bios can find my hard drive but windows seven installer cant
after buying a new motherboard i put my computer back together with everything correctly plugged in my bios can find my hard drive but windows seven installer cant
N noidea_77 Distinguished Jul 28, 2012 6,523 0 19,960 Mar 15, 2014 #2 Install the f6 drivers for your mobo. And post the full specs. And separate sentences by a full stop. Upvote 0 Downvote
Install the f6 drivers for your mobo. And post the full specs. And separate sentences by a full stop.
J Jonny Beech Reputable Feb 15, 2014 11 0 4,510 Mar 16, 2014 #3 noidea_77 : Install the f6 drivers for your mobo. And post the full specs. And separate sentences by a full stop. there are no f6 drivers Upvote 0 Downvote
noidea_77 : Install the f6 drivers for your mobo. And post the full specs. And separate sentences by a full stop. there are no f6 drivers