Driver controller error


Jan 6, 2014
I've been getting the following error message in windows (7, 64bit) event logs for a while now:

The driver detected a controller error on \ Device\Ide\IdePort1

First of all I don't even have any IDE ports / cables; it's all sata. I guessed it was referring to sata port 1 which is my 2nd hard drive (3tb toshiba). I changed the sata cable for a new one and changed the sata port it was connected to on the motherboard (msi z87-g45) and the error seemed to follow the hdd. Now I'm getting:

The driver detected a controller error on \ Device\Ide\IdePort0

I'm a bit lost as to what my next steps should be. Is my hard drive faulty? Are the motherboard sata connectors faulty? Any ideas or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.