Mar 2, 2018
Anyone have any suggestion as to what could be causing DRIVER_CORRUPTED_EXPOOL? I've tested the ram and there were no errors.

Product Name: GT73VR 6RE
OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64-bit Ver.1709(OS build 16299.15.amd64fre.rs3_release.170928-1534)
Windows Product Key: 49CHF
HDI Build: non-OEM
BIOS Version: E17A1IMS.10E
BIOS Release Date: 2018/01/16
EC Version: 17A1EMS1.1070829201611:14:30
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6820HK CPU @ 2.70GHz
Memory: 64 GB @ 1200 MHz
- 16 GB, DDR4-2400, Kingston MSI24D4S7D8MB-16
- 16 GB, DDR4-2400, Kingston MSI24D4S7D8MB-16
- 16 GB, DDR4-2400, Kingston MSI24D4S7D8MB-16
- 16 GB, DDR4-2400, Kingston MSI24D4S7D8MB-16
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070, 8192 MB
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070, 8192 MB
VBIOS Version:,8388608
Drive: SSD, THNSN5512GPU7 TOSHIBA, 476.94 GB
Drive: HDD, HGST HTS721010A9E630, 931.51 GB
Network: Killer Wireless-n/a/ac 1535 Wireless Network Adapter
Network: Killer E2400 Gigabit Ethernet Controller
Network: Bluetooth Device (Personal Area Network)
SHIFT mode: ComfortMode
Power Plan: Power Scheme GUID: 381b4222-f694-41f0-9685-ff5bb260df2e (Balanced)

DMP Info:

030218-9781-01.dmp 3/2/2018 11:41:55 AM DRIVER_CORRUPTED_EXPOOL 0x000000c5 00000043`00000074 00000000`00000002 00000000`00000000 fffff801`838c4850 ntoskrnl.exe ntoskrnl.exe+175430 x64 ntoskrnl.exe+175430 C:\Windows\Minidump\030218-9781-01.dmp 8 15 16299 1,989,588 3/2/2018 11:43:26 AM

I would start by updating the killer network drivers for the machine.
(just as a guess, because of the high failure rates in these drivers from killer)

failing that you would have to run verifier.exe and attempt to catch the driver as it corrupts the data.