Drivers seem to cause graphics bugs for R9 280x


Dec 1, 2014
So, recently I've been having problems with the 280x. These problems seem to have appeared somewhat randomly, I was just using my computer normally and then suddenly there was a ton of artifacting. I have tried reinstalling my graphics drivers, using older drivers, using beta drivers, downclocking the card, and switching the pci port. Then I tried disabling the display adapter in device manager, and the artifacting stopped, but anytime I try to use something that is graphically intensive, it is very slow. Any ideas on how to fix this?
Here are some screenshots of the artifacting:

When running games it averages at about 37 degrees and it happened while I was playing a game. It did not happen after recently updating drivers.

If it is showing 37 while gaming and its not using an exotic cooling solution I would try to get the card replaced if it is still under warranty. My 280 (non X) reaches almost 80c in some games. Just sitting idle right now in a cool room (~23c) my 280 is 53c.

Oops I'm stupid, I was looking at the wrong thing. The temperatures are about what yours are. Sorry bout that