Drone you can turn on with remote

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Jun 13, 2017
I would like a drone which I can keep outside on my porch but I need to be able to turn it on remotely from my bedroom without going outside. Are drones capable of doing this at least under $500?
I would like a drone which I can keep outside on my porch but I need to be able to turn it on remotely from my bedroom without going outside. Are drones capable of doing this at least under $500?
To my knowledge, no.

I've not seen an inexpensive one that will sit in "standby mode" for very long.
They shut down to preserve battery power.

In addition, in most of the Western world, to fly, you need to be able to see it.
It MUST be within your visual sightline.
Inside your house does not count.

You're just going to leave it outside in the elements?
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