Solution USAFRet Oct 15, 2017 lynnandstevemeigh : Dropped hp15 won’t power up Well, that could be anything. Broken solder joint, disconnected ribbon cable....anything. Are there any signs of life when you hit the power button?
lynnandstevemeigh : Dropped hp15 won’t power up Well, that could be anything. Broken solder joint, disconnected ribbon cable....anything. Are there any signs of life when you hit the power button?
USAFRet Titan Moderator Mar 16, 2013 177,465 20,823 184,590 Oct 15, 2017 Solution #2 lynnandstevemeigh : Dropped hp15 won’t power up Well, that could be anything. Broken solder joint, disconnected ribbon cable....anything. Are there any signs of life when you hit the power button? Upvote 0 Downvote Solution
lynnandstevemeigh : Dropped hp15 won’t power up Well, that could be anything. Broken solder joint, disconnected ribbon cable....anything. Are there any signs of life when you hit the power button?