DSL splitter compatible with bonded ADSL


Jul 19, 2016
I've been having problems with my dsl internet that was just made available to us recently and all of them have been fixed along the way and this should be the last once it's fixed. So anyway i'm looking for something like this http://www.suttlesolutions.com/catalog/suttle-products/osp-copper-passive-products/osp-copper-terminals-enclosures/outdoor-dsl-splitter.html.
I don't know if its compatible with a bonded connection and if it is how would that be hooked up?
And also is there any difference between that and this http://www.suttlesolutions.com/catalog/suttle-products/premise-copper-passive-products/xdsl-connectivity/900lcs-50e.html.
This is what we have on all our jacks in the house and I would like to eliminate the dsl signal going all through the house and being separated on separate lines (2 pair wire for dsl and another 2 pair only using 1 pair for phone) by putting that splitter mentioned first by the NID or just putting the last thing mentioned directly in the box.
Oh and my wiring topology is star in case anyone needed to know http://www.homephonewiring.com/images/str-v-2.gif
I still think that there is simpler and better solutions than using phone lines but anyways... You would need to disconnect one of the phone lines (assuming you have two) from the NID so that you can have a digital network and hence, you would not have a splitter at the NID. You would place the splitter on the connection to the modem/router which would then have another connection to phone socket (that you have configured as an ethernet line). Are you sure you are competent to set this up? It sounds very complicated and if you do something wrong, you will likely need an electrician to reconnect/repair the wires.

EDIT: Or is this because of poor audio quality on your phone line?
So from what I understand, you would like to use your phone lines in your house to set up a wired network? It is generally not recommended since you would not get the same performance as a CAT wired network and potentially, even a Wi-Fi network may perform better than using telephone wires. Assuming that you cannot use a wireless network and don't want to install CAT cables, you should seriously consider powerline adapters.
I still think that there is simpler and better solutions than using phone lines but anyways... You would need to disconnect one of the phone lines (assuming you have two) from the NID so that you can have a digital network and hence, you would not have a splitter at the NID. You would place the splitter on the connection to the modem/router which would then have another connection to phone socket (that you have configured as an ethernet line). Are you sure you are competent to set this up? It sounds very complicated and if you do something wrong, you will likely need an electrician to reconnect/repair the wires.

EDIT: Or is this because of poor audio quality on your phone line?
Ok i'm going to simplify this. First I want my phone to stay where they are so this is one reason, and we have 2 phones so they cant be put in on spot.

So what happens is when I plug my phone into this shown here:

It slows down from 12mbps down which is what i'm supposed to have when there is no phones connected to 4mbps with only 2 phones hooked up.

Now this is what the other phone line I ran into the house recently looks like. So I plugged it in the right way before but it slowed down then what I did is connected it to the two green wires not being used underground and connected this other end of them to the two blue wires for phone in the box on the pole halfway down to the road at a pedestal and I get 10mbps.
My phone line:

This is where the phone line goes from the basement:

And here is what i'm describing:

This is the DSL line all by itself:

and in the basement:

So yes I need something that completely gives the phones the minimum amount of signal they need and the DSL the max because for some reason my phone lines suck it all up.
So again, will this work with a bonded connection? And if it did would it help? The only other thing I can think of is having frontier hook me up another line down by the road just for the phones and not another number. There is already 2 wires not being used above the road and underground all the way up to house so that would be easy.


Your NID already contains a splitter/filter:

but it is installed on the wrong incoming line.

It should be installed on the shared incoming line (the white/blue pair). From this module, you can separate the DSL from the dial tone.

The other side of the bonded pair (white/orange) does not need a filter (it's DSL only), so you can use the customer module (the top module) for this pair.

edit: If not readily evident, the red/green posts on the filter are for the phone line, and the black post for DSL.
hmm well that's frontier for ya. But if that's a filter/splitter then why do we need them on all the jacks in the house, or is that because its not hooked up right. Do you mind drawing some lines and diagramming exactly what I need to do on this picture?

This is what is on our jacks.

Assuming that I've correctly understood your current configuration, this is what you'll need to do:

Hopefully your inside wiring is as I understand, with the line indicated going directly to the modem. You shouldn't need the filters on the phones since those are used to filter the DSL noise on your phones, but it shouldn't hurt to keep them on the jacks.

edit: also be sure that the incoming white/green pair is disconnected at both ends. This could negatively affect your DSL signal.

The ones I'm used to seeing like that are also splitter/filters, but I see that this one isn't. So yeah, you'll need to get the right one. The one you had in your first post would work too.