Dual Bios button on Sapphire card causing major lag

Mar 28, 2018
When I enable the Dual Bios button on my Sapphire R9 280 (I want to overclock it), It causes my PC to lag very badly and pretty much all games are unplayable. When the button is turned off my PC runs completely fine. My CPU is the I5 4460 and MOBO is the MSI B85-G41 PC Mate. Any help would be appreciated.
Figured it out, turns out it was my CPU over-heating. I recently cleaned out my PC and put the CPU fan back on incorrectly so nothing to do with the GPU. Guess I'll be more careful next time lol.
Figured it out, turns out it was my CPU over-heating. I recently cleaned out my PC and put the CPU fan back on incorrectly so nothing to do with the GPU. Guess I'll be more careful next time lol.