Dual Boot after Upgrading...

Eli Apostolidi

Aug 6, 2013
Hi everyone! I will be upgrading my ancient Phenom 965 to a i5 8400, with a z370 mobo and 16gb Ram.
I currently have dual boot xp/7, each in a separate HDD.
Question is: After installing and boot up, will both OS's be instantly recognized (and ask me which one i choose, like it is now)?
If xp are not recognized, boot manager (which is in the old HDD)wont be recognized, right? Then what?

Many thanks for reading this far!

Eli Apostolidi

Aug 6, 2013
I see...So, how do i reinstall? Do i have to format the HDD's before upgrading the hardware? Or, after putting the new parts, PC doesn't see any OS and i put Win 7 DVD in Optical drive?
Again, many thanks!
Are you adding a new drive? This would be easiest, in which case with only the new drive installed, insert win 7 disk and let it get on with it. There is a very good chance that win 7 will not like the latest processors, they officially only support win 10.

Eli Apostolidi

Aug 6, 2013
I was thinking of NOT adding a new drive in order to cut the cost down, just use the "Win 7 now HDD" ( and throw away the Win XP HDD)... WIn 7 HDD is a relatively new 2TB drive, so if possible i'd like to keep it.
Another parameter is i5 8400 no liking WIn 7 !!! Didn't know that! Is it certain or it depends?