Dual boot hackintosh, partitioning and formatting hdd


Apr 26, 2013
Hi all,

For my next little project I've decided to dual boot Windows 10 and Mac OS on a sm951 and Samsung 850 evo respectively. I think I'm ready for that, done my research etc, but what I'm not sure about is my other hdd. It's been used for games etc but seeing as it's formatted for Windows I'm not sure if the hackintosh will let me write to it or even recognise it.
Do I need to partition it and the have the partitions be in different formats? One for Windows one for the hackintosh?
Any advise will be greatly appreciated.
This is what exFAT is for. FAT16/32/exFAT is the Universal File system of the world. ALL OS's can read and write to FAT (At least all the ones I have every used and know of)

and the last time I checked OSX can for SURE read NTFS and I have also been able to write to it though thumb drives as all of my thumb drives are NTFS. I know some people have issues but I haven't.

If anything backup you data, format the data drive as exFAT and then copy your data back. Then you will have 100% Compability for file access and write for both OSes
when you start the install you want to click on Tools and then Disk Utility BEFORE you select what hard drive you install too. Boot up off the OSX Disk, and then the second you can find the Tools (May be something else as well) but have to find the disk utility at the top then format the drive you need. No need to remove the partitions in windows as disk utility will do it.
Yeah but does my hdd) (for general files NOT the os) need to partitioned in 2 different formats? Macs don't write to ntfs do they? And windows won't let me write to Mac OS extended (journal) so i figure if I a partition my 1tb hdd 750/250 (or there abouts) and have them as ntfs and Mac os extended respectively then that should be fine right?
This is what exFAT is for. FAT16/32/exFAT is the Universal File system of the world. ALL OS's can read and write to FAT (At least all the ones I have every used and know of)

and the last time I checked OSX can for SURE read NTFS and I have also been able to write to it though thumb drives as all of my thumb drives are NTFS. I know some people have issues but I haven't.

If anything backup you data, format the data drive as exFAT and then copy your data back. Then you will have 100% Compability for file access and write for both OSes