Dual boot Win 7 with itself?

Yes Proph, I can think.
I should have mentioned I made a ghost image of the 1st install.
It's when I installed the ghost image on the second partition that the fun and games started.
i.e missing start up files.
Yep, still have the disk, the problem is I tend to ghost and restore quite regularly (both installations)
So i need this to work. Either that or 2 users on the same installation (not keen) but I'd much rather have 2 seperate installs.
You need to buy a second copy of the Windows O.S. The Windows EULA only permits installation of 1 copy of Windows with the provided license key. Even if you successfully get the second installed and booting, when you try to activate it Microsoft will tell you the license is "already in use".....and do you have another license? After 30 days of use a second installation of the same license will not function properly anymore.
If you are using Win 7 RC or Win 7 Beta it might be ok since Microsoft allows install on multiple PCs with the same License.
Ghost won't achieve what you want on it's own. You will have to install each copy the way you want and then use Ghost to make images of the setup. Simply ghosting another image of Windows 7 to another partition isn't going to make both of them accessible.

And even if you do manually edit the boot manager to include entries for both Windows installs, using Ghost to deploy from a single install won't work unless you, at a minimum, sysprep the install first before packaging the initial image.