Dual Channel compatibility?


Apr 20, 2015
I was interested into upgrading my ram. I own an AMD Radeon Memory Entertainment edition, 4GB, 1600Mhz. The problem is that i cannot find another one identical, and i want to upgrade to 8GB in dual-channel. So, what do you guys reccomend me, what stick can I buy to make them work properly in dual-channel?

If youre gonna buy new ram (corsair, g skill etc) which is what I would do you could get some 1600Mhz Dual channel 8GB for like 60-80 dollars. If thats what youre looking for I'll recommend you something

Yes, that is my plan B, by now, I want to know if there is any RAM with similar features that I could buy to make them work (my AMD ram, and the 'x' ram) in dual-channel.

Im not too sure how Mix matching ram in a motherboard goes since you would be buying single sticks and single sticks are usually single channel. I was going to recommend buying this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231428
and using only that ram in your motherboard since it will run in dual channel, has a lifetime warranty and is 8gb 1600mhz
for that price.
DRAM is DRAM, all sticks are single 64 bit devices unless combined into a 2, 3, 4, 6, or 8 group config in which the would run 2-4 dual channel 128 bit (on a dual channel mobo like a 1150, tri channel 192 bit (1366) with 3-6 sticks of quad 256bit mode (a 2011 socket varient) with 4-8 sticks. How they are packaged makes no difference as to what how they will run.

The big thing here is mixing the sticks out of different packages - there's no guarantee mixing packages will play together. I don't know of any manufacturers or IT pros that will recommend mixing packages