Dual channel issue


Oct 9, 2018
i have core i5 8600k with G. skill 8gb*2 3200 & mobo Asrock z370pro4.

The problem that the 2 ram pieces installed in A1 & A2 & APPEARED AS SINGLE CHANNEL .

When i try to install in A1 &B1 or A2 &B2 then turn on computer , it gave me black screen only .

I try a single 8gb ram in any position , it worked.

The only acceptable position for the 2 pieces is A1&A2 & accepted as single channel mode.

So i do not know it is a matter of setting or physical damage or what.?????

i tried with single ram 8gb in all positions & it worked . But for the pair of ddrm8gb , the only working positions are A1&A2 with only single channel mode

The ram is one kit with 8gb*2 G. skills 3200.

But sorry i am not in home now but when i return back i can send to you cpu z data , but it also gave me that it is in single mode