Dual Channel Mode or Single channel after new ram stick?

Usman Sajid

Jul 27, 2013
Hey guys, i have Dell Optiplex with Dell DH609t Motherboard.
It had 2x2Gb Samsung ddr3 ram.
Today i bought 1x4gb corsair ram. Its working fine.

Now i am little worried about single and dual channel. I care about performance in gaming only.

So here is how my ram was before.

And now its.

According to this website i am running dual channel: http://www.intel.com/support/motherboards/desktop/sb/CS-011965.htm

Here is my cpu-z saying dual channel

But my friend said only previous ram is running dual channel, new is single channel?

Please tell me are all ram running dual channel?
Am i losing performance?
And does single channel effect gaming?

Looking at what you say and if you keep the 2x2 and 1x4 in the different channels should it all just be running dualchannel.

And no,if you get another 4gb just put 1x2+1x4 in each channel and all will be working again in dualchannel.
I am experiencing less stutters.

First ram usage was 3600Mb now its 5200Mb. I think stutters are gone and i got 5-10fps boost.

How to completely remove stutters? Degragging this game? Its really fragmented. And also Programs like MSI afterburner is in background which gives fps and other recordings on screen. closing that will help?

You can still use an 4GB and 2x2 GB in dual-channel configuration: move the 4GB DIMM into the DIMM1 slot, and the 2GB DIMM from DIMM1 to DIMM4 slot (so the Channel A will have the 4GB DIMM, while the Channel B will have the pair of 2GB DIMMs).

DIMMs are usually A-B-A-B for four slots. And A-A forms a channel, so does B-B. He can't have a dual channel with single 4GB stick, he'll need two of them.

Except he has another pair of 2 GB Dimms along with the 4 GB one, so a dual-channel configuration will look like this: Channel A: the 4GB DIMM; Channel B: 2x2GB DIMM.

It won't. Same colored slots form a channel, you can't mix different sizes. OP, your 2X2GB is in Dual channel and 4GB is in single channel. The only way to get that 4GB in dual channel is to get another 4GB.

No wrong,Cristi is right,putting the 2x2gb in one channel and the 1x4gb in the other will give dualchannel.i think in this case Cristi could (and probably is) be right,but could be wrong,about moving the dimm looking at the next,
if the ram was working in dualchannel with 2x2gb and the 1x4gb would be placed with these as is would the 2gb need to be moved to the other channel.

@Usman Sajid ,

Download cpu-z and look under the memory tab to see whether your ram works in dualchannel.

Vic 40, from that article:

Rules to enable dual-channel mode
To achieve dual-channel mode, the following conditions must be met:

Same memory size. Examples: 1 GB, 2 GB, 4 GB.

Matched DIMM configuration in each channel
Matched in symmetrical memory slots

I guess you mistook my statement. I meant, you'll have dual channel with 2GB sticks but not with 4GB stick, it'll run in single channel mode.

Rules to enable dual-channel mode
To achieve dual-channel mode, the following conditions must be met:

Same memory size. Examples: 1 GB, 2 GB, 4 GB.
Matched DIMM configuration in each channel
Matched in symmetrical memory slots

Configurations that do not match the above conditions revert to single-channel mode.

This mode offers higher memory throughput and is enabled when the memory capacities of both DIMM channels are equal.

And from Wikipedia's page (Multi-channel memory architecture):

Several motherboard manufacturers only support (dual channel) configurations where a "matched pair" of modules are used. A matching pair needs to match in:

Capacity (e.g. 1024 MiB). Certain Intel chipsets support different capacity chips in what they call Flex Mode: the capacity that can be matched is run in dual-channel, while the remainder runs in single-channel.
Not going to argue about it further,i'd like to see what this says,

and what maybe moving a 2gb stick of ram will do (the one directly next to the 4gb stick).