Dual Core CPU only running 1 core


Dec 18, 2017
Hey, I have a problem with my CPU, so basically, when I check task manager on most games that run on my PC my CPU is running at 90-100% and checking the information on task manager only says I'm running 1 core.
My CPU is an AMD A4 5300 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics.

(Purchased here: https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819113283)
Which states that it's a Dual-Core with 3.4GHz

My PC handles most games but I can't launch Fortnite without my CPU crashing and I can't even download Overwatch without it crashing!

I've checked my drivers for updates and none were found.
Thanks for the help.
In Task Manager make sure you have "change graph to"-> "logical processors" selected and not showing just the overall utilization.

In your case "logical processors" would show TWO GRAPHS. If it does not then I'd first boot into the motherboard BIOS to see if you have both cores selected.

If that's fine, then try "msconfig", then "boot"->"advanced options" and see if anything for the "processors" heading is selected. If it is and set to "1" then try to just UNCHECK it and reboot, and if that doesn't work try changing to "2" if possible.

If you can find an X4-760K on Ebay it would be a lot better (needs graphics card in addition since it's not an APU).

Not clear what GRAPHICS you have, but if you only have the APU then that's pretty...
In Task Manager make sure you have "change graph to"-> "logical processors" selected and not showing just the overall utilization.

In your case "logical processors" would show TWO GRAPHS. If it does not then I'd first boot into the motherboard BIOS to see if you have both cores selected.

If that's fine, then try "msconfig", then "boot"->"advanced options" and see if anything for the "processors" heading is selected. If it is and set to "1" then try to just UNCHECK it and reboot, and if that doesn't work try changing to "2" if possible.

If you can find an X4-760K on Ebay it would be a lot better (needs graphics card in addition since it's not an APU).

Not clear what GRAPHICS you have, but if you only have the APU then that's pretty weak graphics and the amount of video memory needs to be allocated in the BIOS, and also the speed is limited by your system memory (so may have a bottleneck to the GPU even though GPU is fairly weak).


I think this might be the problem. Per Epic Games, the minimum for Fortnite is a Core i3 (2C/4T) CPU (or equivalent) clocked at 2.4GHz or faster, 4GB of RAM, & Intel HD 4000 graphics or equivalent; recommended is a Core i5 (4C/4T) CPU (or equivalent) clocked at 2.8GHz or faster, 8GB of RAM, & a GTX 660/HD 7870 (or equivalent) GPU. In both cases, 64-bit Windows is required.

  • ■ Don't see your RAM or Windows version listed, but I'll assume for now you have enough RAM & the right version of Windows. If not, get more RAM &/or install 64-bit Windows 10.
    ■ GPU-wise, your APU has the Radeon HD 7480D (https://web.archive.org/web/20150619200306/http://products.amd.com/en-us/DesktopAPUDetail.aspx?detailId=49). This is equivalent to Intel's HD 4000 graphics (http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/gpu-hierarchy,4388.html), so you're on the minimum side; it should run, but it won't be pretty. You could improve it by getting a better GPU (& based on what Fortnite needs, it doesn't have to be super-powerful either). However...
    ■ CPU-wise, you're not OK. Your CPU is a 1C/2T CPU, which means it has half the cores/threads of a Core i3...which means you don't meet the minimum requirements.

Biggest thing is getting a new CPU/APU to replace what you have currently. The problem is going to be a) what's compatible with your motherboard, & b) what is available. We'd have to know the exact motherboard make & model to find the list of supported CPUs for you.

That being said...based on the motherboard currently using that A4-5300, it theoretically could handle the A8-5500/5500B/5600K or A10-5700/5800B/580)K APUS ((Socket FM2, same Virgo/Trinity family as the current APU), which not only give you 2C/4T APUs (not super-powerful, but at least equivalent to a 1st-gen & some 2nd-gen Core i3 CPUs), but also a slight bump on the graphics (A8s have the HD 7540D, A10s have the HD 7560D); you could also probably use the Athlon X4 740 or 750K, but you'd have to also get a graphics card. They won't be the greatest options, but they should let you run Fortnite. Again, depending on your motherboard, it's possible that you could be able to replace your current APU with one of the Richland series (minor improvements on the integrated graphics), or even all the way up to a Kaveri APU (even better graphics).