Dual eSATA enclosure with dual, discreet, eSATA ports?


Feb 13, 2009
My K9A2 Platinum has 2 eSATA ports that support RAID 0, 1 and 0+1 mode by Promise T3.

Is there a single external enclosure that has dual eSATA ports so I can avoid using two separate drive enclosures. It seems that if I get a so-called RAID enclosure I'll have to purchase a PCI port multiplier card.

Or would I see some sort of significant speed increase with PCI port multiplier card?

Thanks in advance.
There are dual bay JBOD and RAID enclosures out there.

For RAID mode, you can use these in any eSATA host. The eSATA host can be with or w/o PM supported.
For JBOD mode. To see TWO drives the eSATA host needs to be PM supported

You may look at this tray-less case:

With it, you can hot swap ANY SATA drive

PS: edit for more clarity