Dual Graphics port


Feb 13, 2014
Ok I got this GPU for free from my boss http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150320R

So far it hasn't let me down yet, but when he gave it to me it did not come with any cords. I am not planning on running dual graphics but out of my desire to know every piece of knowledge on earth, what is that port on the other side of the GPU called, how is it used, and is it still the type of port used in Dual graphics cards today?
The one on the topside of the card(with the PCI-e slot as the bottom reference) is the SLI connector, it is still the same style of connector but you can only SLI specific GPUs together, they have to be based on the same internal chip, you won't be able to SLI with any modern GPUs, only with other 9600 GSOs. The 8800/9800 GT/GTX/GTX+ were all able to SLI together as they are the same internal chip, the 9600 GSO unfortunately had no other models that were based off of its chip.
The one on the topside of the card(with the PCI-e slot as the bottom reference) is the SLI connector, it is still the same style of connector but you can only SLI specific GPUs together, they have to be based on the same internal chip, you won't be able to SLI with any modern GPUs, only with other 9600 GSOs. The 8800/9800 GT/GTX/GTX+ were all able to SLI together as they are the same internal chip, the 9600 GSO unfortunately had no other models that were based off of its chip.