Dual monitor black line at top of monitor


Feb 19, 2015
I recently changed to a dual monitor setup. I plugged it in and used it for several hours with no issues, then after a couple of hours and some tinkering with settings, I noticed that there is now a thin black line at the top of my monitor. The strangest part is when I move my mouse up I can see the space just above the black line is a perfect mirror so I can see an upside-down mouse moving around. All drivers are up to date and I can't find anything similar online. Help would be wonderful!
A little more info: The issue exists in the BIOS too, but doesn't appear in screen shots. My biggest question would be is this an issue with the monitor or the software? Due to the mirroring above the bar and it only becoming an issue after an hour or two of use, I didn't think it was the monitor.