dual monitor set up not working


Feb 9, 2017
Hi I have just finished my first build and I seem to be having a problem connecting my second monitor the BIOS runs on both monitors but once windows 10 boots up only one of them connects my setup is
nvidia geoforce GTX 1050 Ti
MSI a68hm-e33 v2
CPU AMD athlon x4 860k
I think that is all thats important one of my moniters is connected via DVI-D and my other one is HDMI the HDMI one is the one that connects to windows 10 and the dvi one is the one that connects on BIOS the dvi monitor won't even show up on my devices list

Update your drivers using Geforce experience, and try to set up your multiscreen through windows parameters.

My control panel can only see one monitor so they both have the same resolution if that matters

My drivers are updated but it still not showing on my devices list nor on this multiple monitor tool I downloaded but I know it's connected because the BIOS shows up on the dvi monitor but once windows loads up it switches to the HDMI one

yes they are both plugged directly into the graphics card

sorry was having a bit of trouble posting an image

I have clicked my display is not shown but what comes up is not a troubleshooter but rather a rigorous display detection which doesn't find it either not even when it asks to look for t.vs

it still doesn't connect to the DVI monitor it did the same thing after I rebooted it the BIOS showed up on the DVI and then it went to sleep without ever showing the win 10 login screen. I am using a HDMI to VGA converter for the other monitor if that's relevant
The HDMI to VGA is working so that shouldn't be the issue. It's rather odd the monitor displays during post and bios but is not detected at all in Windows which sounds like a probable driver issue. I would get DDU and use it to nuke the current nvidia drivers(i recommend using the safe mode option when you start run DDU) and reinstall the latest nvidia driver.

So interestingly enough when I reboot in safe mode it boots up to the DVI monitor but still trying to use DDU update: so after I booted into Safemode and switched it back to a normal boot both moniters work Not sure what happened but thank you so much