Dual monitors 144hz/60hz problem


Apr 3, 2011
I just bought an ASUS VG248QE 144hz and I have a secondary 24" Samsung 60hz. When I have each monitor set to their preferred refresh rate (144hz and 60hz) both monitors experience stuttering. Especially the 60hz. If im watching twitch or anything while having a game open on my 144hz, the stream stutters and lags a lot. But as soon as i drag that chrome tab over to my main 144hz, the stuttering stops. The stuttering only happens when that second monitor is in use with an application or just simply by moving my mouse to that monitor. Anyone know what can be causing this? If I set both monitors to 60hz, it doesn't happen.

i7 6700k
16gb 2666mhz
GTX 1070
MSI Z170A Gaming M5
hello there what kind of graphics card do you have? that will help us better identify your problem, but if i had to guess i would say because your card cant handle the 2 different refresh rates hope this helps

My specs are in the original post.....
hello again thanks for the specs, are your video drivers up to date? cause it sounds like a video card problem what 2 ports are you using to have monitors connected? try using different ports and see what happens

I am using DVI at the moment. I also tried a DVI to HDMI adapter. Did the same thing. Its quite frustrating. I've also read it may be a bug in Windows 10. Has anyone heard of that?
I also noticed when im watching Twitch on my second monitor while playing a game, my FPS on my 144hz gets capped out at 60. But as soon as I change tabs on chrome on my second monitor to a website that doesn't utilize my graphics as much(Facebook for instance) my FPS on my game caps at 144 like it should. Windows doesn't seem to be liking the two different refresh rates. Anyone know what can cause this?

Same problem here. I feel like it just started happen recently... Last week it was fine watching a stream and playing a game but now when I have a stream on my 60hz monitor the stream lags so bad but the 144hz monitor is unaffected.


Yeah its very frustrating. Im starting to think its a Windows 10 bug. Are you on W10?

Yes, I have updated all my video card drivers. They are up to date. My 144hz is using a display port and my second monitor is using a DVI. I even tried hooking my second monitor up to my onboard and enabling onboard, and using my video card for my main monitor, and it still stutters and lags. I'm starting to think this is a windows 10 problem/bug. I have tried multiple display ports and multi DVI ports(Including my onboard DVI)

Yeah I am on windows 10.. Hopefully it is a bug and can be fixed soon..

Ok I found a fix that works for me. This sounds ridiculous but what I do is I have a twitch.tv stream open on the second monitor and then open an incognito window on the same monitor and go to youtube and open a random video. After that the stream works just fine for me... Hopefully this works for you too haha.
You sir, are a god. How did you come across this solution anyway? It's not the most elegant, but I'm sure glad it exist.