Dual Processor ?


Mar 23, 2001
I have just added another processor with matching speed into my machine, my BIOS says I have it installed but win NT doesn't detect it. Can anyone tell me what I should do? Do I have to install a patch or something?


Don't extract the urine.
Open the boot.ini file and look to see if you have a switch somthing like "/NUMPROC=1" and change to 2.

<b>NOTE!</b> I am not 100% on this but remember reading an article a while back about NT only detects the number of CPU's installed during setup.

Only the insane prosper.
Only those who prosper can judge what is sane.
I used to run NT lots in the past & never remembered anything like that in the boot.ini. Wonder if reapplying SPack will work.......



If you loan a friend $20 & never see them again, it was worth it.
You need to upgrade the installed HAL to a different version. This can be done really easily using a utility in the Windows NT Resource Kit called UPTOMP.EXE.

See the following article for full details: http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q124/5/41.asp

Otherwise, you will need to reinstall WinNT from scratch.

Note that you CANNOT use the "NUMPROC=X" switch in BOOT.INI, since that is only used to force a multiprocessor HAL to run in single processor mode for testing and debugging. That switch has no effect on a single-processor HAL like the one you have installed.

Also see the following URL for some cleanup you need to do after using UPTOMP.EXE:


See John Sloan's post...he hit it exactly.

And yes, the processors must not only be the same speed, but the same "stepping" as well. (incremental changes to the internal layout of the chip.)
<A HREF="http://www.i386.com/default.asp?page=docs/admin-mps.htm&category=admin&id=934&keyword=ADMIN" target="_new"> Clickable </A>

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