Dual R9 270X


Jan 19, 2014
Alright ive got a few questions. I'm looking to crossfire my r9 270x and right now i have an this card http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?gclid=Cj0KEQjwx4yfBRCt2rrAs-P5vtkBEiQAOdFXbdBvRgERdwYqbKsx8O2JQGptiaIb4xQtMuhsxMy1lhkaAnpI8P8HAQ&Item=N82E16814150686&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleAdwords&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-_-pla-_-Desktop+Graphics+Cards-_-N82E16814150686&ef_id=U3UYKQAABD3XaQlo:20140807131317:s
So im looking to get a second one. I'm going to be purchasing a cx 750w to handle it.

My few Questions

1) Right now I have a Amd fx 8320 8 core processor do i need to upgrade even though my mobo has two slots for gpus i dont want it to bottleneck it.

2) is this going to put more stress on my processor and if so should i upgrade my cpu cooler?

3) is the 750w psu going to be enough

4) if you could pick a card to compare two r9 270x what would it be.

Thanks in advanced
Just some advice. You should look at buying an aftermarket cooler for your cpu, and look to overclock it. You will see a lot bigger jump once you have the second card installed. Second, I would advise going with an 850w PSU and stay away from Corsair's CX series. If you do overclock that CPU, it will consume a lot of power all on it's own. Go for an Seasonic, XFX, Antec, Enermax, or EVGA power supply. Here is a couple units to consider:

XFX Semi modular 850w(free shipping): http://www.ncixus.com/products/?sku=73230

EVGA 850w Full modular(free shipping) http://www.ncixus.com/products/?sku=94404&promoid=1248

I agree with Novuake. The xfire 270x setup will be faster than a GTX780/R9 290 on their own in cases where crossfire...
1. You will not have any issues with your CPU, you can overclock it a little too just to be sure.

2. If you want to overclock, get a better CPU cooler.

3. The CX PSUs are not meant to have high end gaming rigs running on them. Get an XFX/Seasonic/Antec or different Corsair HX(or similar quality) 750/850w unit instead.

4. GTX780 / R9 290x. But the Dual 270x will still be a little faster in some games that do well in crossfire.


What exact motherboard do you have?

well heres the thing im looking to upgrade a lot of parts so im probably getting a z97 board and getting the i5 4670k then getting the msi pc mate but atm i have the gigabyte 970 ds3p.
Just some advice. You should look at buying an aftermarket cooler for your cpu, and look to overclock it. You will see a lot bigger jump once you have the second card installed. Second, I would advise going with an 850w PSU and stay away from Corsair's CX series. If you do overclock that CPU, it will consume a lot of power all on it's own. Go for an Seasonic, XFX, Antec, Enermax, or EVGA power supply. Here is a couple units to consider:

XFX Semi modular 850w(free shipping): http://www.ncixus.com/products/?sku=73230

EVGA 850w Full modular(free shipping) http://www.ncixus.com/products/?sku=94404&promoid=1248

I agree with Novuake. The xfire 270x setup will be faster than a GTX780/R9 290 on their own in cases where crossfire works correctly. Lately that hasn't been much of an issue though since they addressed the frame time variance issues, and have been releasing a new beta driver for almost every AAA game at launch or very shortly after.