Dual R9 280s or a GTX 980?


Nov 27, 2014
I cannot find ANYTHING online about just 280s. It's always 280Xs, so any information on the 280s will make me grateful.
Anyways, I currently have an MSI R9 280 and am planning some upgrades. I'm currently struggling with maxing newer games such as Dragon Age Inquisiton and Far Cry 4. I also have an i5 4670k OC'd to 4.2 ghz. I don't know why I'm having problems though.
Moving on, however, I'm looking to upgrade my monitor to a 1080p monitor and make my current 1650x1080 monitor a second screen. This is where I'm having difficulties. The R9 280 seems to have some serious performance issues and I've had some problems with MSI recently. Would you guys say it'd be better to buy a second 280 and buy a new PSU, or just upgrade to a 980? My current PSU is a Rosewill Hive 650W bronze.
Sorry for any grammar or thought jumping going on, im currently about to pass out and I'm doing this on my phone.
Personally I just prefer a high clock, high ram card as opposed to dealing with SLI/XFire headaches. New games tend to not have great support (looking at you Watch Dogs).
SLI/Crossfire's performance gains are often shadowed by their incompatibility and issues. Microstutter is horrible, and can make very high FPS seem very low.

I would fully investigate a GTX 970 for single 1080p@60hz gaming (you don't need a GTX 980 for 1080p@60hz).