So I have 2 Vizio's 1 model D32hn-D0 and a Vizio E320-A0. Originally they both worked fine and then randomly they started pix-elating at the same time and often would cause the computer to crash or I would have to hard reset it. I tried changing the resolution on the D32hn-D0 one day and as soon as I did it cause the D32hn monitor to turn white. This is set as monitor #1 so when both tvs are connected and its white screen I have no access to any controls or settings. If I unplug 1 tv the other one works just fine. I then hooked up a larger samsung to the D32hn and they both worked properly. I also have recently upgraded my graphics card to a Gigabyte GTX 1050 in hopes that would fix the problem but to no avail. Both Tvs work fine on there own and with other Tvs but they just dont want to play together. Please help ! Thank you in advance