have you tried turning your pc off, swapping do a different usb port and then turning it back on?
more importantly..... did you have a usb keyboard in the past which was working perfectly fine?
if not, are you sure its not a windows usb controller issue? if you've had usb port trouble before then it could be.
i'd open up device manager and see if there are conflicts. if so, try to resolve them.
just read something interesting
Did you already run the latest firware update? There was some bug with certain USB controllers on earlier firmware but it was fixed. Shine 3 DK9008 firmware download link (US ANSI V1.1.6, ISO V3.1.0):
(US ANSI layout):http://goo.gl/9NX7ie
(European ISO layout):http://goo.gl/15dlmR
If you have the latest(bug free firmware) and still experience such problems then pls try on another computer just to write off other possibilities of fault besides the keyboard.
apparently there is a quality control issue with some ducky keyboards and the usb controllers they have.
if a firmware update doesnt get it working
and you know its not a windows issue then i would say contact ducky about it (or the place of purchase) and return it. you can then either get a replacement or get a different keyboard.